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"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity."

 - Albert Einstein

In a few short months, another class will be wrapping up its time in the Okoboji School District. Graduates will be preparing to step out into a world they have spent their whole lives preparing for. It is a joyous time, filled with reflection and the promise of things to come.  


Okoboji has a fine history of producing exemplary citizens and scholars, many of which have remained in our community and have become pillars of strength as we continue to strive towards excellence both for our community and for our schools.


When our schools were first built in our Okoboji communities, a trend was started of purpose and progress, and we must continue in those footsteps.


On Tuesday, April 3rd, voters will be making an important decision regarding the construction of a new 5-8 middle school, improvements to the elementary and high school buildings and improving the existing athletic facility in the Okoboji Community School District. It is a significant matter for students, staff, the district, and the Okoboji communities.


For years, the Okoboji school district has operated without a long-term facilities plan, reacting to needs as they arise. This has made it incredibly difficult to meet the educational needs of our students in the most cost-efficient way possible.


Three key things about the school district:

  1. Enrollment is projected to increase over the next five years by over 125 students.

  2. The middle school is at capacity and the high school will be right near the maximum number of students. When this happens there will be challenges with capacity adequacy (physical space in relation to the educational programming).

  3. The district needs a significant amount of money in transportation by shuttling students the middle school and high school, which is a daily occurance.


The Okoboji CSD Board of Directors recognizes that the problems at hand will not go away on their own and that ignoring or postponing any actions will be a detriment to the district, both educationally and financially.    


The district recognizes the project requires a significant commitment from the community. Public education is a community resource that serves people throughout their lives, whether it is a child learning basic math and communication skills or a mature citizen who is now a productive member of society. Public education is for our sons and daughters, our grandchildren, our nieces and nephews, and our cousins—it is an entity that both affects and is affected by all of us. It requires continuing commitment as it shapes generation after generation to meet the needs of the day and of the future.


  • Community schools are a factor when people are looking to move to the area.

  • Similarly regarding business attraction to the community.

  • Not falling behind in infrastructure compared to surrounding districts, goes to the items above. This relates to getting more tax basis to the communities of Okoboji.

  • And how providing modern learning environments is a value to the communities of Okoboji.


As we focus on the future of our schools, we strive to educate every voter about the important matter at hand in the April 3rd Okoboji bond referendum.


Enrollment Graphs

Okoboji Middle School Capacity

OCS Enrollment Historical & Future


© Copyright 2018 Okoboji Community School District

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