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"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity."

 - Albert Einstein


Okoboji has an outstanding history of producing exemplary citizens and scholars. Many of these have remained in our community and have become pillars of strength as we strive toward excellence in our community and our schools.


When our schools were first built in our Okoboji community, a trend of purpose and progress started, and we must continue in those footsteps.


On Tuesday, November 5th, voters will make an important decision regarding constructing a new elementary school and improvements, including renovations and additions to the high school buildings. This is significant for students, staff, the district, and the Okoboji community.


The Okoboji school district developed a long-term facilities plan nine years ago that identified major improprieties and needs. The district reacts to needs as they arise, making it sustainable to meet the educational needs of our students in the most cost-efficient way possible.


Three critical things about the school district:

  1. District-wide enrollment will increase by 111 students in five years, totaling 1,370. 

    1. The total building capacity is 1,370 students.

  2. Elementary school enrollment will increase by 42 students in five years to 578.

    1. The elementary building capacity is 560 students.

  3. Middle school enrollment will increase by 63 students in five years to 410.

    1. The middle school building capacity is 430 students.

  4. High school enrollment will initially increase in the next two years (peak at 386 students).

    1. The high school building capacity is 380 students.


Driving forces of enrollment increase:

2022/2023 Student Population: Indicators

  • Largest classes in history

  • Larger Kindergarten classes than senior classes

Development Activity: Indicators

  • Potential new developments

Migration Trends: Indicators

  • Positive student migration

  • Cohort growth year-to-year

  • Stable out-of-district enrollment 


The Okoboji CSD Board of Directors recognizes that the problems will not go away on their own and that ignoring or postponing any action will be detrimental to the district, both educationally and financially.    


The district recognizes the project requires a significant commitment from the community. Public education is a community resource that serves people throughout their lives, whether it is a child learning basic math and communication skills or a mature citizen who is now a productive member of society. Public education is for our sons and daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and cousins—it is an entity that affects and affects all of us. It requires continuing commitment as it shapes generation after generation to meet the day's and future's needs.

  • Community schools are a factor when people want to move to the area.

  • Similarly, regarding business attraction to the community.

  • The items above refer to staying caught up in infrastructure compared to surrounding districts. This relates to getting more tax bases to the communities of Okoboji.

  • And how providing modern learning environments is of value to the communities of Okoboji.


As we focus on the future of our schools, we strive to educate every voter about the important matter of the November 5th Okoboji bond referendum.


Enrollment Graphs


November 5th

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