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Tax Information

FY25 Property Tax Rate $9.25452 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation

If the Bond Referendum passes:

The District does not anticipate any increase in the overall property tax rate.

  • There could be changes in the mix of taxes that are part of the overall tax rate. 

Think of the Property Tax Rate as a pie with different components making up the whole. The current rate of $9.25 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation is made up of different component pieces that change based on enrollment and the district's needs. Moving forward, we can and will adjust those components to keep the tax rate as low as possible while operating in a financially responsible manner.


Below is a 10-year history of the components of the pie:


The District has a 5-year budget (current budget year plus four out-years) that it annually updates based on then-current data.

  • The 5-year budget shows tax rates at about the same level as today, including the debt service on this new bond issue.


Many variables affect this, including:

  • Enrollment,

  • The state allowed per-pupil spending,

  • Special education costs, and

  • Property valuations


Below is a chart that shows the estimated pieces of the pie for the fiscal years FY26-FY29:


Your tax impact - Residential Property

The following two tables demonstrate the impact of taxes on individual homeowners.​

Your tax impact - Ag Land

The following two tables demonstrate the tax impact on ag landowners in Dickinson County based on the county's median assessed value of land (2023 assessment).

Your tax impact - Commercial Property

The following table demonstrates the tax impact on commercial property owners.

Additional FY23-24 Tax Information

FY24 Tax Rates of our neighboring schools:

FY24 Tax Rates of our neighboring schools:

* Harris-Lake Park is adding a bond with a tax rate of $4.05 for FY25

** Sheldon is adding a bond with a tax rate of $2.46 in FY25

*** West Lyon is adding a bond with a tax rate of $2.70 in FY25

****Rock Valley is adding a bond with a tax rate of $4.05 for FY25

General Fund Revenue Per Pupil & Taxable Valuation Per Pupil FY24 & FY25


November 5th

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